
Duhallow is a predominantly rural area and agricultural initiatives and supports for the farming community are very important to IRD Duhallow

2014 was dedicated as the International Year of Family Farming which aims to raise the profile of family farming and smallholder farming by focusing attention on the significant role it has on eradicating hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition, improving livelihoods, managing natural resources, protecting the environment and achieving sustainable development particularly in rural areas. Family farming is the most common operational farming model in Europe and thus of great importance in the EU. Research conducted as part of a recent UCD study has highlighted that for every €100 of farm output, it generates another €73 in the wider economy through spin-off purchases and spending.

IRD Duhallow’s mission is to increase the level of income, improve the quality of life, and to reduce rural isolation of low-income farming householders in Duhallow through developing and delivering a range of integrated approaches in conjunction with relevant state agencies and organisations, which have a Community Development focus. IRD Duhallow along with the Agriculture Working Group implements a range of supports for farm families seeking to improve on-farm efficiency, support diversification, and promote agri-tourism enterprises to supplement farm family income. The Agriculture Working Group includes representatives from Small Holders, IFA, ICMSA, ICSA, The Co-Ops, Marts, Beekeepers, Teagasc, Macra na Feirme and the Cork Environmental Forum. The many supports and services available to farmers in Duhallow can be explored by clicking on each of the links below.