IRD Duhallow actively promotes farm diversification and encourages farming families to engage in niche product markets
IRD Duhallow actively promotes Pluri-Activity and encourages farming families to engage in niche product markets in particular in the areas of artisan food production and rural tourism to seek alternative ways of gaining or supplementing their income. IRD Duhallow actively supports greater female participation and supports young farmers to investigate alternative farm enterprises which will enhance their income into the future, create employment opportunities and maintain a vibrant rural community in Duhallow.
In order to fund farm diversification capital supports was made available through LEADER 2007-2013 to support farmers to diversify into non agricultural activity. Agri-tourism is a complementary activity that combines well with farming activity. This can also provide many farm families with the opportunity to develop a viable on-farm alternative enterprise. Farm diversification helps farm families to develop new business ideas and it then encourages individuals to establish their own new business.