Recycle, Restore, Repurpose, Reuse
Duhallow REVAMP is a furniture recycling and re-use initiative which was established with 3 key purposes; providing sheltered training and employment opportunities, helping our environment by reducing landfill and fly tipping and providing quality up-cycled furniture at low cost to pensioners, low income families, people who are marginalised and unemployed because of mental health difficulties and other reasons.
There is a growing green trend emerging for second hand unique products, reflecting an increased interest in eco-friendly pieces, particularly ones that are priced at an affordable cost. From budget buys to sought-after vintage pieces, Duhallow REVAMP has something for everyone. The community service operates a tiered pricing system whereby those in most need (which includes anyone receiving a means tested social welfare benefit, and students) are able to buy goods at a lower price than the general public. If people wish to buy at reduced prices, they must bring along evidence of their eligibility when they visit the showrooms in the James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket. Duhallow REVAMP accepts unwanted furniture of a reasonable standard from people who wish to kindly donate items such as chairs, tables, lockers, chest of drawers, mirrors, wardrobes, shelving, unwanted flat packs, clean pieces of timber and selected household goods, kitchens and beds are also welcome. Furniture is collected directly from the public for a nominal fee. The donated items are brought into the Duhallow REVAMP workshop where they are then inspected and screened before restoration and repair is carried out by the REVAMP team in order to ensure that they meet health and safety and cleanliness standards. We also provide a refurbishment service for those who wish to have their old pieces restored and refurbished and then returned to them. The project is currently operating through the Tús Community Activation Scheme with participants learning new skills in furniture repair and upcycling. However, IRD Duhallow’s Equality working group is hopeful that we will qualify for a Community Services Programme grant to create employment opportunities based on a Social Enterprise Model, for those who need supported employment This new innovative project renews furniture giving it a new lease of life and actively promotes waste prevention, reuse and recycling, whilst providing training and skills opportunities for the unemployed. For further information or to avail of this service please contact us on 029-60633.
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IRD Duhallow Furniture Revamp supports the Sustainable Development Goals