Find the Right Person
for the job!
IRD Duhallow’s Job Centre also provides a recruitment service for employers. IRD Duhallow recognises the fact that recruitment, upskilling and maintaining staff is taking up more and more of your valuable time and that is why we tailor our service to give you the best possible support. We have devised a service to assist you with recruiting and promoting the best people to serve the current and future employment needs of your business. We will match your vacancy with candidates who have made it through the screening and selection process.
When you register your vacancy with the Job Centre you will receive:
- Shortlist of Suitable Candidates from our extensive database.
- We will match your vacancy with candidates who have made it through the screening and selection process.
- Regular after Placement Contact to ensure the smooth transition to the new workplace.For more information on this service please contact Jacinta on 029-60633.