A listing of useful websites for job seekers collected by IRD Duhallow Jobs Centre
Useful Links and Resources
- MyWelfare is the online home of welfare services. It allows you easy online access to a range of services.https://services.mywelfare.ie/
- INOU- Irish National Organisation for the Unemployed: The INOU is a federation of unemployed people, unemployed centres, unemployed groups, community organisations and Trade Unions. Visit https://www.inou.ie/
- NYCI-The National Youth Council of Ireland: NYCI is the representative body for voluntary youth organisations in Ireland. https://www.youth.ie/
- NDA- National Disability Authority of Ireland: The National Disability Authority is the lead state agency on disability issues and is charged with promoting and helping to secure the rights of persons with disabilities. Visit http://nda.ie/
- Citizens Information: is the statutory body which supports the provision of information, advice and advocacy on s broad range of public and social services. Visit https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/
- MABS is the states money advice service, guiding people through dealing with problem debt and budgeting. MABS is free, confidential and independent. Visit https://www.mabs.ie/en/
- Disability Federation of Ireland: DFI is the national umbrella body for Ireland’s main organisations of and for people with disabilities. It works to make Ireland a fairer place for people with a disability. Visit https://www.disability-federation.ie/#content
Jobs Listings
- https://www.jobs.ie/
- https://www.c103.ie/local/jobs/
- https://www.irishjobs.ie/
- https://www.monster.ie/
- https://www.jobsireland.ie/
- https://publicjobs.ie/en/
- https://ie.indeed.com/
- https://www.recruitireland.com/
- https://www.careerjet.ie/
- https://ie.linkedin.com/
- https://ec.europa.eu/eures/public/en/homepage