Duhallow Beekeepers is an organisation that provides workshops and support for beekeepers and sells branded local honey
Honey bees have been around for millions of years, fully evolved and super efficient. Its versatility is phenomenal – ranging from making candles from beeswax, as disinfectants on wounds, soothing sore throats, cooking and as a sweet and comforting food. An excellent source of honey is being produced locally by the Duhallow Beekeepers Association. Today the Duhallow Beekeepers have over 60 active members. The demand outweighs the supply as people are now more aware of the advantages that honey has towards health and well being. Beekeeping has served the people of Duhallow very well both as an added income and as a quality health food provider.
A number of workshops are also facilitated each year and which has included some of the following;
- Queen Rearing
- Pest and Disease control
- My System of Beekeeping
- How to increase your Bee Colony
- Flower to the Jar
- Honey Production
An Apiary, funded under LCDP, is located on the grounds of the James O’Keeffe Institute and has mainly been used for training and demonstration purposes.
Beekeeping is a fun and a very interesting hobby, some people develop beekeeping into a profitable sideline providing themselves with a supplementary income. Beekeeping can provide you with a lifetime interest that will keep you continually learning something new. If you are living in the Duhallow area and are interested in becoming a member of Duhallow Beekeepers please contact PJ on 029-60633 for further Information. For further information on upcoming seminars please keep an eye on IRD Duhallow’s monthly newsletter.