Duhallow Community Laundry

An Affordable Laundry Service with a Personal Touch

The IRD Duhallow Community Laundry is our newest community enterprise and opened its doors on the 1st July 2014 in its newly refurbished premises in the James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket. The service was established in response to issues raised by both the IRD Duhallow Carers Network and our SAOI Network both highlighting the need for a service for our elderly, low income households and carers in the Duhallow region.

This service helps to lessen the pressure on people and guarantees a fresh supply of clean linen, towels and clothes regardless of the weather. This service is primarily aimed at the elderly, lone parents, carers, family income supplement, unemployed, disability, farm assist and TUS/RSS/CE scheme workers.

We are open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm. For further information on this service please contact Helen on 029-60633 or visit the Community Services section of our website.