People with a Disability

IRD Duhallow aims to support the equal participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of society

IRD Duhallow’s aims to support equal participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of society in the Duhallow region. Every effort is made to ensure that programmes held are open and accessible to all; it has been our aim to increase participation of people with a disability. To further this aim a stairs lift was installed in the new refurbished basement area of the James O’Keeffe Institute building. This stairs lift has allowed wheelchair users to access in-house facilities such as training and Duhallow community laundry.

IRD Duhallow continues to organise and seek out training programmes for those with a Disability. Classes are held for individuals seeking to develop skills in Irish Sign Language for effective communication with deaf and hard of hearing relatives, employees and customers in a variety of situations. Irish Sign Language is the main sign language in Ireland with over 5,000 deaf native Irish Sign Language users. Modules covered by the tutor include the deaf community, deaf culture, Deaftech- alarm, video caption reader, vocabulary, grammar, expressions, topics including family, numbers, hospital, colour etc and group work including conversation and fun stories. The course continues to receive extremely positive feedback and a demand for more training in this area. Disability Inclusion in Sport and Lamh Training are other courses which have been organised for individuals.

For further information on upcoming events or training courses please keep an eye on our monthly newsletter or contact us on 029-60633.