Informations for individuals paying for their course in full
Booking Fee: A booking fee will be charged at the paypal rates of 3.4% per transaction plus €0.35
Training Cancellation Policy: Training courses which are cancelled over 7 days in advance of the training date shall incur no cancellation fee. Training courses which are cancelled within 7 days of the scheduled training date shall incur a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the cost. Registrants who fail to attend training for whatever reason will be charged 100% of the full fee. Please note all cancellations must be put in writing.
This project is part supported by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund (ESF) Fund 2014-2020 as part of the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020.
Eligibility Criteria
This training will be primarily targeted at women who are:
- engaged in home duties;
- Newly unemployed not on the live register;
- may have left the workforce but are now preparing to return to employment;
- Women parenting alone;
- Women with disabilities;
- Carers;
- Newly located to the area;
- Migrant Women;
This PEIL programme under its current mandate, will not provide training to unemployed people who are on a Jobseeker payment.
- Importantly childcare may be subsidised where applicable for a person whilst undertaking the training programme. Please note that childcare can only be subsidised where the child/children are attending a registered creche facility or registered childminder with Cork County Childcare committee. Contact must be made with IRD Duhallow to arrange same before confirmation can be give.
- All training will be delivered in the James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket.
For further details or queries please contact Jacinta or Mary on 029-60633
or email or