IRD Duhallow Skillnet – Frequently asked questions

IRD Duhallow Skillnet

IRD Duhallow Skillnet Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a membership fee involved ?


Companies should contact Louise Bourke to discuss training and play an active role in identifying training needs, this assists us in booking and promoting courses relevant to your business and others.

Companies can also book training on a course by course basis.

How much does each course cost ?

Fees vary depending on the costs of the provider. We always offer a minimum of 20% funding off the costs of open courses.

You can email to request a schedule of planned training, with relevant course fees.

Who decides what training courses run ?

You do, as a member of our network you assist us in defining what programmes will run and it is the job of the Network Manager to source the appropriate trainer providers for programmes. This is done through our open tender process.

By engaging with us your company can help us to understand your companies training needs and we can source trainers that will tailor specific courses around your requirements if the “off the shelf” courses aren’t specific or relevant enough.

If the courses that I need for my staff are not listed on your website, can you still help me ?

Yes, just let us know what you need and we can discuss options for sourcing the required training.


For more details on IRD Duhallow Skillnet or to ask a question directly please contact us directly


Louise Bourke
Network Manager
Phone029 60633