Duhallow Walkways

For those with time and enthusiasm, or those with a love for walking, Duhallow is best explored on foot and will reveal a breathtaking variety of scenery. Whether it’s trekking along the Mullaghareirk Mountains or along Mount Hilary or going for a stroll in the Island Woods, the Duhallow region has a variety of walks to suit all ages and interests.

IRD Duhallow Walks – Winter Series 2024/25

Upcoming walk on Sunday 26th of January @12 noon, along the Mullaghareirk Loop Walks in Rockchapel, Meeting at St. Peter’s Church in Rockchapel.

Walk is easy – the entire walk is on forestry track, however, there are several inclines.

Tea & coffee after the walk as usual!

Walk is FREE but registration is essential. To register please ring Rhys on 029-60633 or text 086 084 9955.

discover duhallow

News Bulletin

Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) 2024/2025 is Open for Expressions of Interest

This scheme will cover measure 1 projects up to €40,000 and measure 2 projects up to €200,000

Projects could include the upkeep, repair, maintenance and development of trails, walkways, mountain access routes, cycleways, blueways, recreational facilities at bogs, rivers, lakes, and natural play areas that form part of a larger outdoor recreation project and the promotion and marketing of such infrastructure. Projects should, where possible, indicate how they are inclusive of people with disabilities and older adults.

Measure 1 and Project Development Measure EOI forms must be submitted before 5:00pm Wednesday 12th January 2025.

Measure 2 EOI forms must be submitted before 5:00pm Wednesday 5th February

Expression of Interest forms can be downloaded here:

The Duhallow Way

The Duhallow Way, makes up the first part of the Blackwater Way – a 168km (104 miles) linear long distance walking route that stretches from the boarders of County Kerry, across North Cork and into County Waterford, starting in Clydagh and crossing the Derrynasaggart mountain range and following parallel to the River Blackwater.

The Duhallow Way is a richly varied one in terms of topography and includes contouring sections along mountain flanks with great views, contrasting with views of wild bog, forest roadways, glens, lakes, rivers and stretches of beautiful isolation. The unspoilt landscapes are abounding in plant and animal life, displaying all nature’s colours – emerald green, golden yellow, purple and brown. The Way is an area of rugged beauty, a place which one could explore for days on end, features along the way include passing by ancient monuments such as standing stones, stone circles and cairns, and more modern monuments such as cillins (infant burial grounds) and holy wells. There are no significant ascents apart from the climb of 560m meters under Caherbarnagh and the Paps.

Grade: Strenuous – suitable for people accustomed to walking rough trails with a high level of fitness. Typically all day or multiday walkers. Specific outdoor walking footwear and clothing required.

Trail Users: Pedestrian trail – strictly no cyclists or equestrian use.

Distance: 67km (42 miles) linear walk.

Time: Full trail takes 2 -3 days depending on levels of fitness.

Total Ascent: 1,740 meters (maximum elevation: 498 meters).

Waymarking: The yellow walking man with a yellow arrow that you can see at the top of this page is used to waymark the Duhallow Way. This waymarker on posts, telegraph poles and trees along the trail to reassure you that you’re on the right path!

For more information or to report any trail maintenance issues please contact the Rural Recreation Officer at IRD Duhallow Alannah on 029-60633 or out of office hours on 086 0849 955.

Dogs: ***Following complaints from concerned landowners due to sheep-worrying causing injury/death, strictly NO DOGS PERMITTED on Mushera/Maulnahorna Mountain and in the Shrone/Slyguddal area.


Maps: OSI Sheet numbers 79 & 80. IRD Duhallow recommend using the maps below as OSI maps may have older versions of the Duhallow Way marked, any diversions/route changes are uploaded onto the maps below:

Duhallow Way map overview

Map 1 Bweeng to Glencam

Map 2 Glencam to Mushera

Map 3 Mushera to Millstreet

Map 4 Millstreet to Gortavehy

Map 5 Gortavehy to Shrone

Map 6 Shrone to Clonkeen

Services along the trail: Starting/finishing in Clonkeen the nearest services are available in Ballyvourney. Starting/finishing in Bweeng the nearest services are available in Mallow. Millstreet is the halfway point of the trail, accommodation, public transport and services are available here.

Parking: If you are planning on doing the Duhallow Way from start to finish logistically the easiest option is to get dropped at one end and collected at the other. However, there are various points along the way where one can park and walk a short distance to join the Duhallow Way. In each of these locations please leave enough space for a tractor/large vehicle to pass and ensure that you do not block the road or any gates/entrances.

Clonkeen: Outside the Church where the trail starts.

Millstreet: Public car park available opposite St. Patricks Church.

Bweeng: Pull in on the side of the road, ensure you are not blocking local access.

Shrone: Google maps pin: parking at Shrone, enough space for 3-4 cars here. At the end of the road you come to a gate, park on the far side of the gate, and please close behind you. Don’t block the road as farmers and local landowners use it for access. From here walk towards Shrone Lake and you will meet the Duhallow Way.

Poetry along the trail: Along the Duhallow Way you will find signs with fragments of Irish bardic poetry about specific places along the walk. This page is for those who are curious to experience the full poems in Irish and their English translations.

The Duhallow region has a variety of walks to suit all ages and interests

Launch of the Source of the Blackwater Loop Walk in Ballydesmond
Tony Kileen, centre, minister of sate for forestry who officially launched the Source of the Blackwater Loop Walk in Ballydesmond. Included are from left, Isabel Wilkoswska, manager, Coillte Forestry; Jack Roche, IRD Duhallow board; Michael Doyle, IRD Duhallow board; Bernard Dunne, Coillte, district manager; Maura Walsh, manager, IRD Duhallow and Jim Ryan, former Coillte manager. Photo by Patrick Casey
Duhallow Scenery
The stunning scenery of Duhallow
Mountaineer and Outdoor Enthuasist Nathan Kingerlee
It’s a long way to Tipperary…Mountaineer and Outdoor Enthuasist Nathan Kingerlee, Killarney, begining his quest at ‘The City of Shrone’ Rathmore, County Kerry, to hike the ‘Blackwater Way’ with his pet goat ‘Bob’ and his trusted dog ‘Caragh.The Blackwater Way is a way-marked trail, stretching from Shrone near Killarney in Kerry, to Clogheen, near Clonmel in Tipperary. A popular route for hikers, it has probably never had such an unlikely group as a man, a goat and a dog travel its paths before. Photo:Valerie O’Sullivan

Mount Hillary

Mount Hillary is located South East of Banteer village and consists of three different looped walks which are listed below.

For more information on this walk please download the brochure. Please note the track to the steps is not as far west as noted on the maps, this does not alter the distances.

The trail has been clearly marked with directional arrows and you should note that the trail is marked in one direction only for each of the trails.

Brochure/Maps: Walking Duhallow – Mount Hillary

Knightfield Loop – Green Loop

Start/Finish: Trailhead at car park.
Distance: 4km/2.5 miles
Grade: Easy – suitable for family groups including children. Normal outdoor footwear can be worn.
High Point/Ascent: 220m/130m
Time/Duration: 45 minutes – 1 hour
Dogs: Dogs permitted, please clean up after them.

Father Murphy’s Loop – Blue Loop

Start/Finish: Trailhead at car park.
Distance: 7km/ 4.3 miles
Grade: Easy – suitable for family groups including children. Normal outdoor footwear can be worn.
High Point/Ascent: 300m/240m
Time/Duration: 1.5 – 2 hours
Dogs: Dogs permitted, please clean up after them.

Mount Hillary Loop – Red Loop

Start/Finish: Trailhead at car park.
Distance: 10km/ 6.2 miles
Grade: Moderate – appropriate for people with a moderate level of fitness and some walking experience. Specific outdoor walking footwear and clothing is recommended.
High Point/Ascent: 390m/340m
Time/Duration: 3 -3.5 hours
Dogs: Dogs permitted, please clean up after them.
Mount Hillary Forest Walks
Mount Hilary – the Hill of the Eagle
Sheltered forestry walks
Sheltered forestry walks

Trailhead & Parking: Mount Hillary Parking.

Services: Closest town to Mount Hillary is Banteer (6km/3.7 miles away), public transport available here. Closest town with services is Kanturk (11km/6.8 miles away), shops and restaurants available here.

Contact: Alannah 029-60633 or out office hours 086-0849 955

The Island Wood

The Island Wood, located 3.2km/2 miles outside of the town of Newmarket, is a beautiful wooded landscape area which is perfect for a walk, run or a picnic.

For more information on this walk please download the brochure

Brochure/ Map: Walking Duhallow – Island Wood

Start/Finish: Trailhead at car park
Distance: Section A (green on map): 1.5km/ .6 miles
Section B (purple on map): 2.5km/ 1.5 miles
Section C (red on map): 7.4km/ 4.6 miles
Grade: Easy – suitable for family groups including children. Normal outdoor footwear can be worn.
Duration: 1 – 1.5 hours
Dogs: Dogs permitted, please clean up after them.

Trailhead & Parking: Island Wood parking.

Services: Closest town is Newmarket (3.5km/2.2 miles away), all services available here.

Contact: Alannah 029-60633 or out office hours 086-0849 955

Claragh Loop

The Claragh Loop’s starting point is located in Millstreet in Co. Cork. For more information on this walk please download the brochure.

The trail has been clearly marked with directional arrows and
you should note that the trail is marked in one direction only.

Brochure/Map: Walking Duhallow – Clara Loop

Start/Finish: Trailhead at public car park.
Distance: 10km/ 6.2 miles
Grade: Strenuous – suitable for people accustomed to walking rough trails with a high level of fitness. Typically all day or multiday walkers. Specific outdoor walking footwear and clothing required.
High Point/Ascent: 390m/340m
Time/Duration: 2.5 – 3 hours
Dogs:  Dogs permitted, please clean up after them.
duhallow landscapes
Our unspoilt landscapes

Trailhead & Parking: Public car park available opposite St. Patricks Church.

Services: All services available in Millstreet.

Contact: Alannah 029-60633 or out office hours 086-0849 955

Mullaghareirk Mountains

Mullaghareirk Mountains are located north of Meelin in Co. Cork. The loops are arranged in pairs- the green and blue circle Banane Hill and the red and purple take the walker onto the shoulder of Mullaghareirk. This walk is signposted from Meelin village.

Parking for trailheads: For Banane (Green) & Rowls Langford (Blue) Loops you can park here. For Reanahoun (purple) and Brosneen (Red) Loops you can park here at the main road, on walks with IRD we normally start from here. In each of these locations please leave enough space for a tractor/large vehicle to pass and ensure that you do not block the road or any gates/entrances.

For more information on this walk please download the brochure here. Walking Duhallow – Mullaghareirk Mountains.

Up-to-date map with routes highlighted in respective colours available below:

Walk A: Green- Banane Loop

Theme: Nature
Terrain: Forestry Tracks
Distance/Difficulty: 5.6km/ Easy
Ascent: 103m
Duration: 1-1.5 hours
Minimum Gear: trekking shoes, rain gear



Walk B: Blue- Rowls Langford Loop

Theme: Nature
Terrain: Forestry Tracks
Distance/Difficulty: 7.3km/ Easy
Ascent: 123m
Duration: 1.5 – 2 hours
Minimum Gear: trekking shoes, rain gear, fluids



Walk C: Red- Brosneen Loop

Theme: Nature
Terrain: Forestry Tracks
Distance/Difficulty: 10.3km from main road, 7.7km from steeple/ easy
Ascent: 169m from main road,113m from steeple
Duration: 2.5-2.75 hours from main road,1.5-2 hours from steeple
Minimum Gear: trekking shoes, rain gear



Walk D: Purple- Reanahoun Loop

Theme: Nature
Terrain: Forestry Tracks
Distance/Difficulty: 8.2km from parking at main road, 6.57km from parking at steeple/ Moderate
Ascent: 151m from parking at main road, 138m from parking at steeple
Duration: 1.5-2 hours from main road, 2-2.25 hours from steeple
Minimum Gear: trekking shoes, rain gear, fluid
the paps of danu
The Paps of Danú, Trail, IRD Duhallow Annual Report 2015.Photo:Valerie O’Sullivan
IRD Duhallow has worked along with Coillte, Fáilte Ireland, Cork County Council and local landowners to develop the tourism potential of walking in Duhallow.
IRD Duhallow has worked along with Coillte, Fáilte Ireland, Cork County Council and local landowners to develop the tourism potential of walking in Duhallow. Participants of the Rural Social Scheme carry out upgrading work and maintenance the walks in Duhallow to the standards commended by Sport Ireland in their inspections. Brochures are available for each of the walks along with detailed information boards put in place on each of the routes. For more information on these walkways please contact IRD Duhallow at 029-60633 or download the brochures on each below.

Definition and description of grade levels for Sport Ireland registered walking trails across Ireland.

Leave No Trace Ireland – click here for further information.

Here you will find some useful advice on planning your walk, what to bring with you, getting a weather forecast and who to call in an emergency.