The Staff

  • Maura WalshThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Maura Walsh

    Maura was appointed Manager of IRD Duhallow in 1991. An advocate of the “bottom-up” approach to Rural Development. Maura has managed the successful introduction, development and implementation of the LEADER Programmes, the Social Inclusion Programme and other initiatives in Duhallow. Maura is an active member of the Irish LEADER Development Network and has addressed a number of National and International Rural Development Conferences. Maura Walsh holds a BSc (Econ) from London University and a Diploma in Social Science and is currently undertaking a Masters in Leadership Management and Professional Practice.

  • Eileen LinehanThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Eileen Linehan
    B.A. (Econ & Geog), MBS(BusinessEconomics), Dip.Personnel Mng. DipinPublicProcurementEU fundedprojects.

    Eileen is the Assistant Manager and has responsibility for the Enterprise team, which includes Skillnet, Community Employment & LEADER Programmes as well as the EIP Programmes. She supports the Manager in the day-to-day running of the company including Human Resources & the financial operations of a number of programmes & Social Enterprises. Eileen monitors LEADER through its IT system and she represents Local Development Companies on Cork County Childcare Committee, which she currently chairs. Eileen is a Trustee of the Pobal Pension Scheme.

  • Triona DennehyThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Triona Dennehy
    MBSCooperativeandSocialEnterprise,B.ScPublic Health & Health Promotion, IMCV Professional Manager Award,Training Delivery & Evaluation(QQIL6).

    Triona is Employment, Training and Social Inclusion Coordinator with overall responsibility for SICAP and the Local Area Employment Services Programme. She oversees the Equality and Training briefs including: Duhallow REVAMP, the Walks Scheme, CE Rehabilitation Scheme,
    Social Farming, RSS and Tús. She works with communities in Western Duhallow to access LEADER funding and supports the work of both the Community and Employment
    Working Groups.

  • Helen O'SullivanThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Helen O'Sullivan
    B.Soc.Sc(BatchelorofSocialScience)., MastersofSocialScience, DipCom,Leadership & Mgt,Cert in Agri.

    Helen is the Community Services Team Leader with 19 years’experience. She oversees the Rural Community Health Initiative, Towards Occupation, Workability Programme and Afterschools. She co-ordinates our Ukrainian Response & New Arrivals Programme overseeing the rollout of our supports and liaising with other agencies involved at regional level. She works on LEADER & SICAP supporting community groups to access supports and funding. She also oversees the Community Development and Youth & Equality Working Groups.

  • Louise BourkeThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Louise Bourke
    B.C.L., Masters inCriminal Justice, Masters in Management, Dipin Learning & Development,Cert in Agri., IMCV Professional Manager Award;Training Delivery & Evaluation(QQIL6)

    Louise joined IRD Duhallow in November 2010, as Enterprise and Tourism Development Officer, working on the Enterprise measures of LEADER and SICAP. Louise implements the Skillnet programme, coordinating quality affordable training for local businesses and is the appointed staff liaison for the Enterprise Working Group. She oversees the publication of Discover Duhallow.

  • Nollaig MurphyThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Nollaig Murphy
    MastersofSocialWork, H. Dip.SocialPolicy,B.A. (hons.Sociology and History), Q.Q.I. level6Training DeliveryandEvaluation

    Nollaig joined the staff of IRD Duhallow in 2017 on a part-time basis. She works as a Development Officer on both the LEADER and SICAP Programmes. Nollaig co-ordinates IRD Duhallow’s Communicating Europe and Historic Graveyard projects and is involved with projects that support integration within the community. Nollaig works as a tutor on the Touch Type Read Spell computer classes which are organised as part of IRD Duhallow’s Literacy Support Programme for children.

  • Stephanie MoynihanThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Stephanie Moynihan
    M.A InternationalTourism,B.A (Hon.)Business inTourism,Training Delivery & Evaluation(QQIL6),Supervisory Management (QQIL6).

    Stephanie joined IRD Duhallow in August 2018 and is a Development Officer as part of the Community and Employment Team supporting communities with the process of grant applications. She is the staff resource for IRD Duhallow Jobs Centre and CV Clinic service as well as Local Area Employment Service, the Duhallow Carers Network, SAOI network, Women’s Forum and Dormant Accounts programme and coordinates a wide range of community events and educational offerings.

  • Bríghid-Íde WalshThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Bríghid-Íde Walsh
    M.EdEarlyIntervention,B.A HonsChildand Adolescent,Training DeliveryandEvaluation QQI6.

    Bríghid-Íde joined IRD Duhallow in 2019 as a Development Officer. She covers areas including Equality, Youth, Employment
    and Training. She is the Afterschools Co-ordinator and Co-ordinator of IRD Duhallow’s WorkAbility programme which provides progressive pathways to employment through education, training, skills development, and in-work supports for people with diverse needs. She oversees the Youth and Children and Families actions of SICAP. Bríghid-Íde is the staff resource for the Youth and Education Working Group.

  • Monica GilmoreThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Monica Gilmore
    DiplomainLearning & Development, DiplomaInBusiness, Digital MarketingInstituteProfessional,Training & Development QQILevel6.

    Monica joined the IRD Duhallow team in June 2021 as development officer on the enterprise team. Monica works as Business Development Manager for the Company’s Community Enterprises through the Community Services Programme. She promotes good business practices, developing the social enterprises and supporting their staff. Monica also implements the Skillnet Programme, supporting local businesses to upskill and develop talent. She coordinates the enterprise and tourism actions of the
    LEADER programme.

  • PJ MurphyThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    PJ Murphy
    MA Sociology(Youth,CommunityandSocialRegeneration),B.A. EconomicsandSociology.

    P.J. joined IRD Duhallow’s Community Services Team in November 2021 as the Social Enterprise Development Officer. P.J. works with social enterprises across Duhallow by organising training and workshops to help their development and increase their social impact. PJ also works across LEADER and SICAP in his role as a Development Officer. He is also a Case Officer on the LAES Programme and he helps with the coordination and implementation of the LAES. He works one-to-one with long-term unemployed clients to help them find employment.

  • Elmarie YoungThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Elmarie Young
    B.Soc.Sc -BachelorofSocialWork. QQIL6Socialand Vocational Integration. DipinEvent Management. QQIL5Psychology. QQIL5 Community & Healthcare.CertificateinTeaching AdultLearners.

    Elmarie joined the IRD Duhallow team in February 2024 as the Rural Community Health Worker. She provides supports to individuals and groups to promote positive mental health and wellbeing and signposts people to various services in and around the Duhallow area. She focuses on Suicide Prevention, intervention and Post-Vention. Elmarie strives to have a strong focus on the most vulnerable and isolated members of communities across rural Duhallow region.

  • Jackie KellyThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Jackie Kelly
    BBus Honours,BachelorofBusiness,BBus AdvancedCertificatein Accounting,Training Delivery & Evaluation(QQIL6).

    Jackie joined IRD Duhallow in September 2020 and is the Accounts Manager. She is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the company’s financial systems and procedures. She presents financial reports for management and the Board of Directors monthly. She prepares financial returns for programmes such as LEADER and SICAP, monitors Budgets and prepares variance analysis along with commentary. She also liaises with company auditors for year-end accounts..

  • Margaret O'ConnorThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Margaret O'Connor
    MAAT-Accounting Technician, AIPA – Payroll Technician

    Margaret is the Senior Accounts Administrator and has been employed by IRD Duhallow for twenty- seven years.
    She has responsibility for Skillnet and Afterschools Accounts. She prepares monthly accounts and completes the financial returns for both Programmes and submits them to Departments on a monthly and quarterly basis. She prepares budget v actual reports for Management and monitors Debtors for each Programme. She reports to the Social Economy Working Group each month on the financial information for Afterschools.

  • Maggie O'Callaghan The Staff IRD Duhallow
    Maggie O'Callaghan

    Maggie joined IRD Duhallow in January 2020. She is currently supporting the finance department through the preparation and processing of monthly accounts for IRD Duhallow Main Accounts, IRD Duhallow Furniture Revamp and Duhallow Community Food Services. Maggie is responsible for compiling associated financial reports, which are presented at monthly Board and Social Economy Working Group meetings, whilst also offering support to Management within these divisions. Maggie liaises with the Duhallow Community Food Services company auditors for the preparation of the year-end financial statement.

  • Rowan LanningThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Rowan Lanning
    MScSustainable Develop., Agri-Food, & Co-operatives, MScSustainable WaterEnvironments,BA EnvironmentalStudies:CollaborativeWater Mgmt

    Rowan joined IRD Duhallow in May 2023 on work placement with the EIP project where she was responsible for results-based scoring, the monitoring of water quality and biodiversity on project farms, delivering workshops and hosting discussion groups. Rowan was appointed Ecology Development Officer following her placement. She provides support to many of IRD Duhallow’s LEADER funded biodiversity projects, leads environment-focused workshops for children, manages the Duhallow Volunteer Conservation Network, and is the staff
    resource for the Environment Working Group.

  • Rachel BuddThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Rachel Budd
    B.A. Hons Sociology, Cert in Training and Development, Cert in Community Development, Cert in Therapeutic Horticulture

    Rachel joined IRD Duhallow in 2014 as a Horticultural Trainer, to create the award winning IRD Duhallow Community Gardens. She was the Co-ordinator for the LTI in Horticulture for 7 years and is currently the Duhallow Social Farming Facilitator. She is responsible for recruiting and supporting host farmers and project participants, working with the New Directions (formerly Towards Occupation) and WorkAbility participants, developing and managing the Duhallow Social Farm.

  • Ciaran CarmodyThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Ciaran Carmody
    B.A. inEconomicsand Geography, M.A. inRural FuturesPlanningand Innovation.

    Ciaran joined IRD Duhallow in April 2024 as a Development Officer, working mainly as a case officer with the Local Area Employment Services. Ciaran’s responsibilities include exploring employment opportunities in the area and identifying training to improve the client’s skillset and increase their chances of employment in the future. Ciaran meets clients of the LAES in our Newmarket and Macroom offices

  • Anna CieslowskaThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Anna Cieslowska
    MSc. Management Informationand Managerial AccountingSystems, B.A.Economics (ThroughTransformationalLearning).

    Anna joined IRD Duhallow in June 2024 as a Development Officer on the Enterprise team. She is responsible for coordinating LEADER projects to support local businesses based in Duhallow, creating vibrant rural areas. She is also involved in facilitating affordable training & skills through our Skillnet programme to drive the development of local enterprises. Anna also provides support to our Social Enterprises.

  • Derval CorbettThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Derval Corbett
    ECDL, Cert in Supervisory Management

    Derval is employed as an Administrator based in the Reception Office. She has been employed by IRD Duhallow on a part time basis for 25 years. She deals with initial queries to the company and provides administration support to Management and Staff. She also has responsibility for editing the company’s monthly Newsletter, which is circulated to over 14,000 homes in Duhallow. Derval is one of the Liaison Persons with the National Vetting Bureau on behalf of Partnership Companies supporting Garda Vetting Applications nationally

  • Julie O'FlahertyThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Julie O'Flaherty
    BBS Bachelor of Business Studies & Finance, Training Delivery & Evaluation QQI6

    Julie joined IRD Duhallow in March 2015 and is part of the Finance department. Her primary responsibilities are in relation to Payroll for various programmes within the company. Her role includes processing weekly payrolls and generating associated reports. She is also responsible for CSP returns in relation to the Wages Grant received from Pobal. Julie’s role includes reconciliation of Creditor Accounts and processing payments to Suppliers on a
    monthly basis .Julie also processes the applications for Personal Alarms units through the Senior Alert Scheme.

  • Marie FlemingThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Marie Fleming
    BSc Rural Development; Supervisory Management (QQI L6); Payroll Manual & Computerise (QQI L 5); Certificate in Health & Safety in the Workplace.

    Marie is supervisor of the Rural Social Scheme and oversees the participant’s placements throughout the Duhallow region. She is secretary of the Health and Safety Committee and coordinates company training and development in line with Excellence Through People guidelines. Her other duties include overseeing the Company’s IT and Phone Systems and ensures we are compliant with national bodies such as the Charities and Lobbying Regulator and the Standards in Public Office.

  • Paddy O'ConnorThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Paddy O'Connor
    Community Employment Supervisor

    Paddy has over 23 years experience in the role of CE Supervisor. In that time, he has supported participants on the scheme to develop their skills and encourages them to access training in their bid to return to mainstream employment using the online Individual Learning Plan Computer System whereby each participant receives a tailored progression plan. Paddy liaises will all sub sponsors on the scheme to ensure we are providing maximum benefit to the communities we serve. He also works closely with the IRD Duhallow Job Centre Employment Officer.

  • Colm CrowleyThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Colm Crowley
    Dip. in Rural Development, Cert. in Business Studies, IMCV Professional Manager Award, BER Assessor

    Colm joined IRD Duhallow in July 2007 as the Warmer Homes Scheme Coordinator and is responsible for the implementation of a number of SEAI programmes which include the Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme, Home Incentive Scheme, Better Energy Communities & Senior Alert Scheme. Colm coordinates staff training in line with the NSAI’s Cavity Wall Insulation System. Colm is responsible for the monthly accounts for Warmer Homes and processes the payroll. He chairs our Health & Safety Committee and is a fully qualified Manual Handling instructor.

  • Don MurphyThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Don Murphy
    Cert in Archaeology; Cert in Oral History; Training Delivery and Evaluation (QQI L6)

    Don was appointed Tús Supervisor in June 2011. His main areas of responsibility include placement, induction, training and supervision of scheme participants in the areas of built heritage renovation and vintage machinery restoration. Don has over 20 years’experience as a sub-contractor in the construction industry in Ireland and abroad. He is a master craftsman and stonemason, and trains participants on the T.O. and other in house programmes.

  • Colm O'ConnorThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Colm O'Connor
    Supervisory Management(QQIL6),Training Delivery & Evaluation(QQI L6), Manual HandlingInstructor (QQI L6). Major Award In Carpentry And Joinery(QQIL6)

    Colm joined IRD Duhallow’s Furniture Revamp Team in 2016 and was the Revamp Programme coordinator. He was appointed RSS Supervisor in November 2021 with responsibility for coordinating and supervising participants placed in a number of settings. Colm oversees the transport portfolio in the company, and IRD Duhallow’s many Circular Economy Initiatives. In addition Colm is a member of the Health and Safety committee and is one of the in-house manual handling instructors.

  • Amanda KellerThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Amanda Keller
    Management & Business (QQI L6); Project Management (QQI L6), Computerised Payroll (QQI L5); Business Administration (QQI L5)

    Amanda joined IRD Duhallow in September 2022 as the CE Assistant Supervisor and is currently responsible for working alongside Paddy O’Connor in assisting people who are long term unemployed to work towards their personal and career goals developing their skills and encouraging them back into mainstream employment, helping each participant develop a tailored progression plan. She also oversees the payroll/finances and administration for the CE scheme.

  • Mariia PalchakThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Mariia Palchak
    Masters in Philology, English and French language and literature, Cert in Administration

    Mariia is Integration Officer\Interpreter. She joined IRD Duhallow in June 2022 as a part of Ukrainian Response team. Mariia organises work related courses, mental health and wellbeing events. She provides career guidance and links people with required classes to improve their skills. Mariia helps to integrate Ukrainian refugees into the local community. She is also involved in connecting Ukrainians with potential hosts across the “Offer a Home” programme.

  • Yuliia IliashenkoThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Yuliia Iliashenko
    Batchelors of Civil Law (BCL), Masters in Criminal Law

    Yuliia is an Integration Officer with IRD Duhallow since September 2022. Having arrived in Ireland in April 2022 as a
    refugee herself she supports both refugees and asylum seekers in the region providing them with information and advocacy support, coordinating volunteer opportunities, work preparation and employment supports. Yuliia also provides translation support to the HSE as part of their InReach & Psychology teams and weekly GP clinic while also working closely with the Local Authority Housing Dept on the" Offer a Home" Programme

  • Alina RusalThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Alina Rusal
    Masters Diploma in English Language & Literature

    Alina was contracted by IRD Duhallow in 2022 initially as a part time interpreter and has taken up the full-time role of Ukrainian Support Worker since January 2023. Alina provides interpretation for courses and events that IRD Duhallow delivers and oversees social media on Ukrainian supports. Alina organises courses and events in response to the needs of the Ukrainian community and as part of a
    team facilitates our fortnightly Ukrainian drop-in clinics. She supports families relocating to Duhallow helping them to integrate into the community. She is also working as a case officer with the Local Area Employment Service.

  • Lenora KellyThe Staff IRD Duhallow
    Lenora Kelly
    Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Agricultural Science

    Lenora joined IRD Duhallow in November 2024 as a development officer. She is responsible for the assisting with the SICAP and SAOI Programmes, and has worked with the Communicating Europe Programme.