Village Picnic

Event Details:
Village Picnic
23rd June 2019
1:00 pm

Inchigeelagh Hall, Inchigeelagh

Croí na Laoi/Inchigeelagh Tidy Towns, Inchigeelagh are hosting a village picnic which will be held on Sunday 23rd of June at 1p.m. outside the hall.

It will be held after the Corpus Christi Procession and is a great way to bring people together for a cuppa.

So come along and meet your neighbours and have a catch up!



The Day of the Regions Project and this webpage was funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and the EAFRD – Europe Investing in Rural Areas – LEADER 2014-2020. This project is supported by the North Cork, South Cork and Kerry LAG and IRD Duhallow CLG.

Thug an Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail agus EAFRD LEADER 2014-2020 maoiniú don cosán seo.. Tá tacaíocht faighte ag an tionscadal seo ó Chorcaigh Thuaidh, , O’ Chorcaigh Theas LAG agus Chiarrai LAG agus IRD Duthalla.