The overall aim of the post:
The Rural Community Health Work post will form part of a team of rural community health workers across rural areas of North Cork enhancing existing services to support the development and delivery of a Community Health Programme locally inclusive of the organisation and delivery of specific suicide awareness trainings and wellbeing initiatives, including those targeted specifically at men’s health. The areas of suicide prevention and intervention in the rural communities will also be supported by this post.
Suicide Prevention: explores ways of mitigating the risk of suicide in the community i.e. by empowering people to be aware of and encouraged to engage in activities that contribute to their overall mental, physical health and wellbeing.
Suicide Intervention: seeks to inform members of the community with up to date and relevant information in how to access support services for themselves or others who are emotionally vulnerable and maybe having thoughts of suicide – it also includes informing the community of the range of mental health/wellbeing/suicide prevention training modules that are available both face to face and online.
Principle areas of responsibility:
- Development of a series of health focused initiatives in partnership with local community, organisations, steering group etc as per the needs of the local community and population groups.
- Organise/delivery of a range of specific training programmes related to Suicide Awareness/Intervention/post-vention work/health and wellbeing support workshops (training will be provided and a training plan agreed at steering group meetings)
- Liaise with other CHWs and projects in terms of shared learning and development of best practice models.
- Disseminate accurate information on accessing support services and locally when needed.
- To establish and maintain effective liaison with stakeholders including health services (e.g Health & Social care professionals, GPs, PHN, Community Mental Health Teams etc), voluntary, social and education resources, attending relevant meetings as necessary and engaging with Community Health Network Structures as appropriate.
- Work closely with the service steering group which will include Provision of comprehensive reports, completion of data tracking at quarterly steering group meetings.
- Adhere to confidentiality and information sharing protocols at all times
- Introduce and work with local key community partners on the establishment of the post-vention network (further information will be provided)
- The above Job Description is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post-holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time-to-time.
Person Specification
- Age: The lower age limit applying to this post is 18 years. The upper age limit for this competition is 65 years. (In accordance with current legislation).
- Any candidate, who reaches the age of 65 years prior to appointment, will cease to be eligible and therefore, will not be appointed to the post.
- Professional Qualifications Experience and Eligibility: A relevant qualification in the area of Community Work/Community Development/Community Education/Community Mental Health & Wellbeing e.g. a certificate, diploma or degree in Youth and Community Work / Community Education. OR
- At least two years’ experience relevant to the post with a good standard of education (both formal and informal education/training considered)
Essential Requirements
- Facilitation skills with individuals and groups
- Report Writing.
- Good Research Skills.
- Good I.T. Skills.
- Excellent Communication skills
- Planning & Evaluation of work
- Team working and working on own initiative.
- Access to own transport & full clean drivers licence (employer indemnity will be required).
- Experience and knowledge of community based programmes and experience of facilitation & group work.
- Knowledge of social determinants of health
- Knowledge of and experience of networking with voluntary, community & statutory agencies
- Experience of working across a range of groups and age ranges.
- Knowledge of issues/factors affecting poor and positive mental health.
- Knowledge of the benefits of life-long learning/adult education.
- Ability to work on own initiative and on developing projects.
The suitable candidate will demonstrate a commitment to community development approaches to practise/social inclusion/social justice/anti discriminatory practise and essentially be a kind approachable person who can work with all types of person and groups.
Terms and Conditions of Employment
The current vacancy is to fill a Community Health Work post in IRD Duhallow area. A panel may be created from which permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full/part-time duration may be filled.
Working Hours
1 x 39 hour post/ Evening and weekend working may be required from time to time. Remuneration: Annual Salary Scale €32,000 – €38,000 in line with relevant experience and qualifications applied to the 39 hour weekly position
Annual Leave
The annual leave associated with the post will be informed by the employing organisation
All appointments shall be subject to a probationary period of 6 months
Application Process
Applications can be submitted by email to or posted to IRD Duhallow James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket Cork by 5pm Monday 27th January 2025
CV and cover letter will be required
Shortlisting process will apply
3 Referees will be required with details to be supplied with application.